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5 Tips for How CEOs Can Get Acquisitions Right

By Rob Zack, Chief Executive Officer, MicroAge
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Acquisitions are complex and strategic beasts that can significantly impact the success and growth of your organization. As a CEO, architecting and overseeing an acquisition requires careful planning, effective execution, and seamless integration.

While that might all go without saying, it’s quite interesting to note how many acquisition stories I hear about the churned-out unhappy clients, frustrated leaders, disgruntled associates, and disenfranchised partners. The truth is, acquiring an organization is akin to creating a ‘blended family:’ it takes careful mindfulness of every stakeholder in the game.

So, first and foremost, I am writing to celebrate the one-year anniversary of our successful acquisition of cStor, but just as importantly, to share our progress and key learnings from our collective efforts.

Defining Successful

Yes, I say “successful” very intentionally because not only did we believe this deal was an ideal fit, but we have also seen so many positives that have come from the initial acquisition and our hard work over the past year, which continue to come (more on this in a bit).

Now, that’s not to say everything went perfectly as planned… does anything ever? This is about celebrating the collective talent within both organizations that were already there individually and how together we have become a ‘force multiplier’ for our associates, our clients, our partners, and at this stage, I’m confident in saying our future.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term force multiplier, it’s an interesting reference in military science, identifying a factor or combination of factors that give people or weaponry the ability to accomplish more remarkable feats than without it. In simple business terms, it means ‘factors that multiply effectiveness.’ And that’s exactly what happened and is still happening.

1. Culture Alignment

When we initially approached the cStor leadership team about a potential acquisition, their then CEO, Larry Gentry (now our Executive Vice President), made it abundantly clear that his people came first and there was no compromising. Although there were countless conversations throughout the due diligence process and getting to know their team, that was an early indicator that this was indeed a solid fit, as that has been one of MicroAge’s core tenets from inception.

We were able to bring the companies together without eliminating a single position. Today our retention rate has been astoundingly high, and because of the success, we are still hiring while many organizations are reducing headcount in the current economy. Many of our associates have emerged into new, expanded roles with upward mobility and growth potential. We’ve combined teams and solution areas where it better serves our current and future clients. We’ve integrated shared services functions for efficiency. And in many cases, we helped associates shift into adjacent or entirely new roles where their longer-term passions were calling. These people-related results have culminated in more innovation and growth than we could have ever anticipated.

2. Maximizing Value for Associates, Clients, and Partners

When two organizations join forces, the goal is to create a combined entity that is stronger than the sum of its parts. By identifying and leveraging each other’s strengths, as both cStor and MicroAge leadership teams intended at the onset, we’ve exponentially improved value for each constituency.

We saw the synergies between our offerings early on, as well as the gaps each organization could fill through the acquisition. Understanding those synergies and how they can add fuel to the combined mission is precisely the goal.

3. Alleviating Fears of Change

Change can often be met with resistance, so C-suite teams should prioritize effective communication and support throughout the integration process. By taking time to understand individual growth goals and talents, leaders can help associates navigate the changes and provide opportunities for advancement and personal development. During the acquisition and the following months, we provided frequent, open, and transparent communications to help alleviate fears, increase morale, and foster a culture of collaboration and trust within the newly integrated organization.

The reality is you cannot over-communicate after an acquisition. Remaining clear, transparent, and communicative is paramount to associate retention and satisfaction, so be sure to do it with regularity, through a variety of channels, and in large, small, and individual one-on-one settings. If portions of your base are remote, find creative ways for ‘cameras on’ time so they also feel engaged and connected through the process. A little planning and foresight in communications goes a long, long way.

4. SWOT Evaluation

Before we began the integration process, we conducted a comprehensive SWOT evaluation (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of both organizations. This evaluation helped identify each organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, providing valuable insights for integration planning and allowing us to align the right resources to address each layer.

While this may sound ‘old school’ to some, it’s an essential part of integration planning that I recommend you do not forego. Sticking with my prior military analogy helps avoid landmines on both sides and identifies combined opportunities we may not have otherwise seen.

5. Adapting to the Post-COVID Industry Landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic most certainly reshaped the business landscape, requiring many organizations to find new ways to connect with customers face-to-face where possible. Now that we’re back to ‘semi-normal,’ we’ve collectively worked to focus on personal interactions with clients and partners. Don’t underestimate the value of face time. We’ve organized lunches, dinners, and events to nurture those relationships again in new ways. If we can’t meet in person, our rule is that the cameras should always be on.

It’s a Wrap…

As CEOs and leaders, successfully executing an acquisition requires a strategic approach, meticulous planning, and a focus on people. By leveraging the strengths of both organizations and staying mindful of some core tenants from other successful examples, leadership teams can create a merged organization that becomes one of the ‘best places to work’ (yes, that’s a shameful plug!). It’s clear that the collaboration between our newly merged organizations is unlocking tremendous potential for innovation and accelerated growth, and I’m proud of the team’s hard work that got us here. I look forward to continued success and a bright future!

How to combine cultures? Start at the top.

Let’s talk

Our culture means we work hard for our clients and have fun along the way! Perhaps you’d like to join the team—we’re always hiring! Or, let one of our experts tackle your IT challenge by contacting us at (800) 544-8877. We’re here for you!

“Rob Zack is the CEO of MicroAge. Rob started his career as a CPA at a large public accounting firm. Since then, he’s had three decades of leadership experience, primarily serving as an operational chief financial officer for public and privately held technology organizations. An experienced MicroAge associate, Rob returned to the company for the third time in 2016 to drive MicroAge operations forward with his leadership, strategy, and vision.”

Rob ZackChief Executive Officer, MicroAge

The post Celebrating Our 1 Year Anniversary of the cStor Acquisition appeared first on MicroAge.

CEO Perspective for 2023 & Beyond: How to Combine Cultures to Create the 1+1=10 Effect Tue, 20 Dec 2022 17:49:05 +0000 The post CEO Perspective for 2023 & Beyond: How to Combine Cultures to Create the 1+1=10 Effect appeared first on MicroAge.

By Rob Zack, Chief Executive Officer, MicroAge
Reading Time: 6 minutes

If you asked 100 CEOs how to build a high-performance organization with happy, engaged, and productive employees, loyal partners, and a steady, increasing flow of your ideal new customers… you’d get 100 different answers. That said, many of those would overlap, and pretty quickly, you could triangulate your way to a ‘top 10 or 20’ list that would give you some relatively compelling insight into how you’d go about the task with a high probability of success.

Now, ask 100 CEOs who have been directly involved in either acquiring an organization, or being acquired, and suddenly your 100 different answers turn into 1,000 or more. The question will surely also generate some visceral moaning and groaning about just how difficult successfully integrating two companies can actually be.

If you’ve never lived through it, you may immediately think I’m referring to challenges with integrating systems, processes, and procedures, or around figuring out how to seamlessly handle products, services, sales, support, partners, and customers. Yes, those are all monumental challenges in and of themselves, so I don’t want to discount the importance of getting those right. But the reality is, the biggest challenge is successfully integrating peopleteams, and organizational cultures to create what I’m going to call the 1+1=10 effect. If you don’t get that right, it puts your future combined success at risk.

What is the 1+1=10 Effect?

You may have heard this more commonly referred to as the “1+1=3 effect,” but in the case of acquisitions, if done right, I would argue it’s more likely to have a 10x (or more) effect on your growth, hence my 1+1=10 equation (and yes, I’ll take some CEO creative license here).

Essentially, each person in the equation has their own unique value, and when you bring them together, the relationship and bond they create in working together forms even far greater value than separately… the 10x level of value. Human relationships are the key, and an intentional culture designed to nurture, encourage and reward positive relationships – whether peer-to-peer or hierarchical – is the ‘secret sauce’ to getting culture right.

That said, it really does not happen by accident.

Of course, this all assumes you’ve already chosen well on your acquisition target, meaning it’s the perfect fit to help add new value to each organization’s customer bases, each fills the ‘gaps’ of the other organization, and at the same time, the merger gives you new competitive advantages in your market.

Fun fact: “1+1=3” is likely a modern-day adaptation of a quote originally attributed to Aristotle, “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”
– “Metaphysics” by Aristotle, circa 350 B.C.

Culture Starts and Ends at the Top

Like it or not, culture starts at the top and ends at the top. You can build the blueprint for a high-performance, engagingly fun culture, but if you don’t live it out day to day in the C-Suite, it’s unlikely to stick. The results of which are often seen in lower productivity, client and associate attrition, and from that, lower revenue. In short, culture is serious business.

So here are some ‘merging culture’ tips worth exploring if you’re on this M&A journey and giving serious consideration to becoming more intentional about how you’ll effectively blend two organizations without sacrificing each organization’s individual identity.

1. Find the common ground between both organizations.

You found each other for a reason. Understand how each entity treats its stakeholders and identify the commonalities upon which you can build the newly upgraded ‘cultural foundation.’ That means respecting where each organization is at the time of the merger and mapping out a plan of where you’ll go together moving forward. Some traditions will stay, some will go, and ideally, you’ll build new ones together. Be most mindful not to simply ‘steamroll’ over one organization’s identity and assume or mandate it must ‘become you now.’ Can you say #massexodus?

2. Recognize that words matter.

It might seem minor in the scheme of things, but how you talk about your people and your business sets the tone for your culture, and once again, it starts at the top. Are you setting a tone of integrity and respect? Are you putting people first? Are you respectfully communicating and collaborating?

Early on, we set some very clear and intentional language that still holds true today, and in my view, is one of the core reasons for our success. Our language is how associates, clients, and partners view us, and they remain at the heart of our culture. If you’re going to differentiate yourself in the market, be sure your culture is permeated with your own positive and intentional language.

COMPANY (A number of people assembled together)
ORGANIZATION (People gathered for a purpose)
EMPLOYEE (A person who works for another for compensation)
ASSOCIATE (A person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business; a partner or colleague)
CUSTOMER (A person who purchases goods or services)
CLIENT (A person or group who uses the services of a professional)
SALES REP (A person or agent who represents an organization, or a person who solicits business in a specific territory)
SOLUTION CONSULTANT (A person who possesses special knowledge)
MANUFACTURER or VENDOR (A company that makes a product or a business that sells a particular type of product)
PARTNER or SUPPLIER (One of two or more people, businesses, etc., that work together or do business together, or a party that supplies goods or services)
PRODUCT & SERVICES (Something that is made to be sold or used; commodity)
EXPERTISE & SOLUTIONS (A special skill or knowledge or action or process of solving a problem)
3. Finally, don't take yourself too seriously.

We work hard and we play hard. Work gives us meaning and purpose, while play is designed to build deeper relationship bonds between people, create trust, and build lasting memories. It’s an essential component of a high-performance culture, and sometimes that means self-deprecating humor is necessary.

While I probably wouldn’t have created the “Flat Zack” concept ahead of time (reference picture below – essentially a play off of the kids’ series “Flat Stanley”), I happily delegate the ‘fun making’ to our incredibly capable team and always work to embrace it. Seeing my head and torso on a stick held by our team and their children was well worth it.

How to Combine Cultures blog - body image

If the average human in the U.S. spends about 30-35%* of their adult age at work, then we as CEOs better find a way to inject some levity onto the scene. More often than not, our egos are left at the door and replaced by kindness, respect, integrity, and, yes, fun.

Creating a combined culture means associates from both organizations become energized by new insights and collaborations, helping everyone see and feel the day-to-day impact of joining forces. If done well and planned intentionally, your newly combined culture will become the lifeblood of future success.

How to combine cultures? Start at the top.

Let’s talk

Our culture means we work hard for our clients and have fun along the way! Perhaps you’d like to join the team—we’re always hiring! Or, let one of our experts tackle your IT challenge by contacting us at (800) 544-8877. We’re here for you!

“Rob Zack is the CEO of MicroAge. Rob started his career as a CPA at a large public accounting firm. Since then, he’s had three decades of leadership experience, primarily serving as an operational chief financial officer for public and privately held technology organizations. An experienced MicroAge associate, Rob returned to the company for the third time in 2016 to drive MicroAge operations forward with his leadership, strategy, and vision.”

Rob ZackChief Executive Officer, MicroAge

The post CEO Perspective for 2023 & Beyond: How to Combine Cultures to Create the 1+1=10 Effect appeared first on MicroAge.

At MicroAge, this Leader Sets our Technology Sales Culture Apart, Meet Tracey Hayes Wed, 04 May 2022 23:45:46 +0000 The post At MicroAge, this Leader Sets our Technology Sales Culture Apart, Meet Tracey Hayes appeared first on MicroAge.


Tracey Hayes MicroAgeAt MicroAge, our leaders empower a culture of collaboration to position team members across our organization for success. And our Sales leader, Tracey Hayes, MicroAge’s Vice President of Sales is no exception. Tracey joined MicroAge nearly three decades ago and has served in leadership positions throughout the company, from account development to product marketing to sales.

And with her three decades of Channel experience and Tracey at the helm, MicroAge has consistently been hailed on CRN’s Tech Elite 250 list, Solution Provider 500, and MSP 500 list. She’s also helped MicroAge make major strides in its 8x recognition as a Phoenix Business Journal Best Place to Work, carving out a sales-led company culture.

Building a thriving sales-driven culture to promote a stable and growing workplace even during the most uncertain times, we decided to ask Tracey who and what inspires her and how she came to lead at MicroAge and in a male-dominated Channel industry.

1. How did you make your start at MicroAge?

I started at MicroAge 28 years ago and tried out a variety of roles as I learned the industry and our business for deeper insights. As the Vice President of Sales here at MicroAge, a thriving and fast-growing IT solutions and services organization, I can do what drives me.

My personal mission at work is to help others realize and achieve their goals. From partnering with Human Resources to build an award-winning company culture—a Phoenix Business Journal Best Place to Work for eight years—to helping MicroAge account executives discover brighter futures while making a positive difference for our clients to helping some of them grow into sales leadership positions—servant leadership anchors my day-to-day role. Beyond job descriptions and KPIs, making an impact matters to me. I chair MicroAge’s ActTogether initiatives—a program dedicated to helping MicroAgers across the country give back to local and national non-profits and critical causes. I also lead our Client Excellence committee to continue leveling up the MicroAge client experience and our commitment to excellence.

2. Who motivated you at the start of your professional journey?

I grew up with a strong trailblazer of a mother paving the way ahead without a dated mindset on being limited as a woman to achieving only your family or professional goals. She raised all four of us, completed her Ph.D., and led organizational development as a vice president at a local hospital.

Like my mother, today I lead in a male-dominated industry at an organization that’s continued its relentless growth during the most unprecedented and uncertain times. I’ve also raised three successful children, now all bright, capable adults, and have been married for 30 years. These are my proudest achievements.

3. What has your career and ascension to leadership taught you about work-life balance?

The truth is no one should have to decide between building a career they love and showing up for the people they love. That focus on giving others space to put their families first has been a constant in my career. I’m proud to say that it’s also a value shared among the executive team at MicroAge.

We want to see our account executives succeeding both in and outside of work—they know this. That’s one of the main reasons we have one of the industry’s highest employee retention rates. We put our MicroAge team members and their families first.

4. How have you been able to create powerful momentum as the Vice President of Sales at MicroAge?

MicroAge is a sales-driven organization. Our technology sales professionals are our front-line representatives, helping our clients find intelligent solutions to accelerate, transform, and secure their organizations in a disruptive and constantly changing market. As a servant leader, I have focused on tailoring our management approach to our account executives who drive our success versus the other way around. Our sales-first strategy and culture have been a standout differentiator in a competitive marketplace, wherein good talent is tougher and tougher to come by. We listen to our technology sales account executives, give them the autonomy to build their book of business without regional territory restrictions or industry barriers, and actively partner and collaborate with marketing to provide hands-on support.

Being at a technology company, we know that now more than ever, the only constant is change. MicroAge account executives can get certified with leading industry partners and take internal courses for a deeper understanding of the latest technologies and their clients’ evolving challenges and needs. I partner with L&D to ensure we’re providing and rewarding continuing education.

5. As the Vice President of Sales at MicroAge, how do you help your business stand out from other total technology solution providers and managed service providers (MSPs)?

With too many managed service providers, meaningful client relationships get lost in the shuffle. At the average MSP, once a client is signed, they are just a number. At MicroAge, we coach our technology sales executives to be relationship-focused. Our entire organization follows a client-first approach, with 24/7 support for our service clients. MicroAge sales executives and support staff do what it takes to help clients achieve their business technology goals.

Most of our clients are on a first-name basis with their MicroAge account executive. They know that all of us at MicroAge are looking out for them. There’s no gimmick or sales strategy better than actually caring and continually helping new and existing clients find more value through intelligent approaches. That’s what we do in technology sales at MicroAge—every day.

Discover a better approach to Technology Sales at MicroAge.

At MicroAge, we’re proud to have been recognized as a Phoenix Business Journal Best Place to Work 8x thanks to our associates regularly sharing their feedback; more on that here. We are continually growing to meet client demand across our expanding services and solutions portfolio. Explore our open positions.

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Meet Tim Hepburn, MicroAge’s Associate of Q1 Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:52:14 +0000 The post Meet Tim Hepburn, MicroAge’s Associate of Q1 appeared first on MicroAge.


Tim Hepburn MicroAgeAt MicroAge, we know our team members are our smartest investment, and that recognition matters. That’s why each quarter, we recognize an associate for their commitment to supporting our teams and clients and for working and living our values every day.

Meet Account Executive, Tim Hepburn, MicroAge Associate of the Quarter for Q1, 2022. Backed by more than five years of channel sales experience, Tim joined MicroAge over four years ago, bringing a commitment to teamwork and optimism. He has emerged as a strong sales leader, building mutually beneficial business relationships, and lasting partnerships.

Tim exemplifies all of our MicroAge values, especially having fun and respecting our relationships. He is always happy to offer up advice to his colleagues and partners to support the most positive client outcomes possible. Tim is constantly looking to pay his success forward, and make it a shared success among clients, partners, and colleagues alike.

1. What brought you to MicroAge/why did you want to work here?

There were multiple factors. After meeting with members of the leadership team and human resources I had a great vibe from them about what the company culture at MicroAge would be like. I already had a friend who came to work at MicroAge and I reached out to ask how he liked it there. He had an interview set up the following week.

I wanted to work at MicroAge because of the highly competitive commission structure and the relaxed management style.

2. Tell us about what you do every day in your role:

I have the best job in the world—helping my clients and partners daily by sharing my knowledge, experience, and network. Working in technology sales at MicroAge, I am constantly learning new things from clients and partners. There is never a dull moment!

3. What do you love about working at MicroAge?

I enjoy the people and flexibility at MicroAge, there’s a lot to love working here. We’re all a bunch of kind and smart individuals working towards a common goal of seeing MicroAge grow with our clients’ success for years to come.

4. We know every team member makes more possible. How are you making a difference?

Sharing is caring. If a client sees success with a solution then I praise that manufacturer or service provider to my other clients. If I have success selling a service or solution, I teach my colleagues why it’s important for their client base also.

5. Which of our MicroAge values resonate with you most and why? (Add value to everything we do  •  Respect our relationships  •  Act with integrity • Make things happen  •  Do it right the first time •  Have fun!)

Have fun! If you love what you do then you won’t have to work a day in your life.

6. What is your best MicroAge memory?

Almost beating Mike LaPorta in a corn hole tournament. I’m ready for a rematch!

7. Who inspires you and why?

People who get knocked down but never give up. Fail three times, and stand up four! I’m always rooting for the underdogs.

8. What do you enjoy doing most outside of the office?

I am addicted to anything outdoorsy. I enjoy hunting, fishing, foraging, kayaking, biking, and gardening.

9. What’s the best advice you’ve been given in your career?

“People buy from people who they like.” My Dad has told me this since I was young and it’s served as a great reminder that we are always in the relationship business.

Learn more about life at MicroAge

Picture yourself at MicroAge

Are you passionate about building relationships and driving powerful outcomes for organizations with the latest technologies and services? Explore our open positions.

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Working in MicroAge Services Brochure Wed, 13 Apr 2022 20:21:43 +0000 The post Working in MicroAge Services Brochure appeared first on MicroAge.

Working at MicroAge Services

Change how the world works

Learn how you can unleash your full potential working on the MicroAge Services Team. This brochure shares how you can partner with like-minded team members to refine processes and client results while positioning yourself for professional advancement and leadership opportunities at a quickly scaling, award-winning Managed Services Provider.


The post Working in MicroAge Services Brochure appeared first on MicroAge.

This Account Executive Shares What Makes Working in Technology Sales Different at MicroAge Mon, 04 Apr 2022 22:49:41 +0000 The post This Account Executive Shares What Makes Working in Technology Sales Different at MicroAge appeared first on MicroAge.


At MicroAge, our employees are our smartest investment. And as our client base continues to grow we are constantly hiring more services and sales professionals to keep up with powerful demand levels. Being a client-first organization, (with an award-winning people-first culture), all of our departments and company leaders are dedicated to empowering the success of our account executives.

Rob Downs MicroAgeRob Downs, a Seattle-based MicroAge Account Executive sat down with us to share what’s made the experience so unique.

1. What makes the sales organization at MicroAge different for you from previous employers?

Working in Technology Sales at MicroAge, the executive leadership is just as invested in my success as I am. That commitment comes across immediately, I saw the contrast with other organizations during my interview. In previous roles, there was a lot of hype and training promises during the recruiting and onboarding process, without much follow-through. Organizations that don’t focus on investing in their employees and building a meaningful culture have more turnover.

As I’ve seen in the past when organizations only focus on the bottom line and not on developing their talent the business quickly gets caught in an in-and-out model with the experienced account executives and sales managers frequently on their way out. Refreshingly enough, that isn’t the case at MicroAge. Instead, there’s a great deal of focus on how to make us successful that spans company-wide initiatives.

2. How do you feel about the level of autonomy you have to build your own sales approach and book of business at MicroAge?

That feeling is best captured in two words: confidence and motivation. Because I hold myself accountable for my professional success, I am continually motivated by the trust MicroAge has in me to be successful, but also, to learn and grow. My peers, our sales coach managers, and directors are there to help you grow, including a national community of experienced Account Executives ready to offer support. All you have to do is ask.

3. How would you describe the work-life balance at MicroAge?

To be honest, I didn’t know what work-life balance was before coming to MicroAge. My entire professional history was work-first, then family, then yourself. Work-life balance is a key component of the MicroAge model, and it was something I had to get used to at the beginning. I only knew one way to do things, and that was prioritizing work above all else. With MicroAge I’ve been able to better balance my home and family life and my professional growth and success, instead of compromising one for the other.

4. What stands out to you about the level of support Sales receives from leadership, subject matter experts, and other departments at MicroAge compared to previous sales roles?

At MicroAge, leadership is interactive on a first-name basis. You don’t feel like a number or just another cog in the wheel that can be replaced at any time. Instead, I speak to leadership daily across one medium or another, and we don’t just talk about work either. The MicroAge leadership team here takes a real interest in you as a person, they focus on your personal and professional success. I can feel that every day, and it makes a huge difference.

The subject matter experts here at MicroAge are incredibly knowledgeable and always available to discuss ideas for different projects. They make themselves accessible to answer any questions. However, their best skill is the way they conduct themselves during customer meetings. MicroAge technical SMEs are articulate, informative, and knowledgeable. Whenever a call with them ends, you know the client is well-informed to make the best possible decision for their business.

Finally, the marketing department is top-notch. At my previous employers, I realized we had a marketing department, but I had no clue who they were or what they were doing to actively promote the business. At MicroAge, not only do you know who the members of the Marketing department are, you know exactly what they’re doing to market MicroAge and help you promote services and solutions. You interact with them often and can make suggestions for new materials. To me, that’s how a marketing department should function.

Discover a better approach to Technology Sales at MicroAge.

At MicroAge, we’re proud to have been recognized as a Phoenix Business Journal Best Place to Work 8x thanks to our associates regularly sharing their feedback; associates like Rob Downs. We are continually growing to meet client demand across our expanding services and solutions portfolio. Explore our open positions.

The post This Account Executive Shares What Makes Working in Technology Sales Different at MicroAge appeared first on MicroAge.

We Asked these MicroAgers to Share their Career Advice on International Women’s Day Tue, 08 Mar 2022 08:00:41 +0000 The post We Asked these MicroAgers to Share their Career Advice on International Women’s Day appeared first on MicroAge.


Today is International Women’s Day and the perfect time to empower female leaders across the Channel, technology, and well, everywhere. Because not only does it feel great to give and receive kudos, but according to The Channel Co, your business achieves 35% more when your female counterparts are part of the equation.

At MicroAge, we decided to start by recognizing some women across our organization who make an impact on our business and our clients every day. To learn about their unique approach to going where few women have gone in their careers before, we asked them about the best career advice they’ve received or simply the smartest advice they have for their peers. The results were incredibly inspiring.

Be relentlessly authentic.

“The best career advice I have received and practice to this day is to be a genuine and authentic person in your day-to-day interactions with colleagues and managers, in my case, MicroAge suppliers and partners.”

Cassie Davis, Partner Marketing Specialist

Stay open and strong.

“Be genuine and kind, and also unafraid to stand up for yourself. Don’t worry about what other people will think or label you; be strong in your convictions.”

Amber Tuckwiller, Senior Account Executive

Don’t restrict yourself.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t be afraid to reinvent the wheel. Innovation isn’t born in those who think outside of the box but those who don’t see the box.

Sarah Carver, CSM, Senior Account Executive

Be kind, always.

“You’ll never regret treating people well.”

Stephanie Bolena, Senior Account Executive

Stop holding yourself back.

Go for it! Don’t be afraid to try something new just because you don’t think you’re qualified or have the proper training. Try it, fail, try again and again until you succeed.”

Jade Hansen, Senior Invoicing Specialist

Stay passionate and flexible.

“There is a quote I absolutely love from Linchpin by Seth God that applies to everyone:”

“The competitive advantage the marketplace demands is someone more human, connected, and mature.  Someone with passion and energy, capable of seeing things as they are and negotiating multiple priorities as she makes useful decisions without angst.  Flexible in the face of change, resilient in the face of confusion.”

Judy Nerone, Sales Coach Manager

Lift each other up.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

And something a colleague once told me—women need to stick together. I saw that in the way Naomi Sylvian, Tracey Hayes, and Judy Nerone all were when I joined the team at MicroAge and how Stephanie Bolena acted with me even before then. Thanks, gals!”

Ellen Faircloth Yencer, Delivery & Operations Manager

Don’t be afraid to fail.

If you never fail at something, then you’re not pushing yourself enough.”

Kelsie Furr, Creative Specialist

Stop comparing yourself to others.

“Comparison is the death of all joy. The only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday.

Jennifer Moore, Assistant Controller

Own your priorities.

“There is a way to achieve working hard at a job while finding a balance with family priorities—make sure you do both.”

Christi Kalmer, Sales Director

Always give your all.

“My parents instilled in me a very strong work ethic—no matter what your endeavors. Always strive to do your best!

– Carmen Martinez, Accounting Manager

Stop making assumptions.

“Never assume what someone is thinking…. always take the time to listen and understand before taking action.”

Tracey Hayes, Vice President, Sales

Happy International Women’s Day

Let’s celebrate all the female professionals in our lives. Today is about women everywhere. That includes the women who inspire us across the Channel daily.

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Meet Jade Hansen, MicroAge’s Associate of Q4 Thu, 17 Feb 2022 00:02:55 +0000 The post Meet Jade Hansen, MicroAge’s Associate of Q4 appeared first on MicroAge.


Jade Hansen and Rob Zack MicroAgeAt MicroAge, we know our team members are our smartest investment and that recognition matters. That’s why each quarter, we recognize an associate for their commitment to supporting our teams and clients and for working and living our values every day.

Meet MicroAge Lead Invoicing Specialist, Jade Hansen, MicroAge Associate of the Quarter for Q4 2021. Jade joined MicroAge nearly five years ago, bringing a relentless tenacity and attention to the details and a brazen follow-through that has helped to accelerate progress for both internal and external clients alike.

Jade has emerged as a leader in MicroAge Operations, accelerating business processes to streamline and automate more for better client outcomes. With her leadership, MicroAge was able to reduce the monthly Cloud Services Partner invoicing cycle from 10 business days, (just a year ago), to one business day—eliminating all of the previously manual steps.

Jade embodies all of our MicroAge values and never stops asking questions or presenting and exploring smarter business approaches to operational processes when the status quo just doesn’t make sense. She takes pride in her work and is constantly making things happen at MicroAge.

1. What brought you to MicroAge/why did you want to work here?

I was fresh out of college, and joining Operations at MicroAge sounded like a wonderful opportunity to expand my horizons. I had a personal reference from one of our great Account Executives. The Phoenix Business Journal Best Place to Work award also attracted me. MicroAge seemed like a nice place to work.

2. Tell us about what you do every day in your role:

I solve problems all day, ha. I ensure supplier invoices are in the system and are timely paid. I assist with any problem invoices or client invoices. I also invoice all our clients for any reoccurring orders with our new automated billing system. I help anywhere and everywhere I can!

3. What do you love about working at MicroAge?

I love the culture here, it’s intimate and has a real family feel. The MicroAge team and leaders look out for me and empower me to learn and grow with the company. Real teamwork and meaningful collaboration, supportive executives, and an encouraging environment—are the three main reasons I love working at MicroAge.

4. We know every team member makes more possible. How are you making a difference?

I do my best to address every situation as my personal responsibility. I view every mistake as an opportunity to grow and improve our operational processes for our internal and external clients at MicroAge. We are a fast-growing company and every chance we have to improve, I take it seriously. I also have some fun while doing it all.

5. Which of our MicroAge values resonate with you most and why? (Add value to everything we do  •  Respect our relationships  •  Act with integrity • Make things happen  •  Do it right the first time •  Have fun!)

Definitely, Add Value to Everything We Do and Have Fun! I live for taking on opportunities to enhance existing processes and to find positive outcomes and solutions in challenging situations.

Plus, who doesn’t love to have fun?! I love all the opportunities we have to join in volunteer events and community events here at MicroAge. Our company culture is unlike any other.

6. What is your best MicroAge memory?

There are so many! Some of my fondest memories are from working together in the office, and I would go up front and get to talk to our lovely Office Manager, Miss Sandy. She was such a hoot, and she was always so encouraging. I miss chatting with our personal MicroAge Betty White. I also definitely miss all our MicroAge parties and events, especially the food.

7. Who inspires you and why?

My parents and my grandma inspire me. They all instilled such a strong work ethic in me, they taught me to be strong and to work hard for what I want. They didn’t only preach these values, they exhibited them my whole life.

My parents and grandma are the hardest-working people I know. They all did what they had to do to give me a very blessed life. They constantly encourage me and are truly supportive. I am very thankful for them.

8. What do you enjoy doing most outside of the office?

I love to go Country Two-Step and Country Swing dancing, trying new places to eat, traveling to different places in Arizona, and volunteering at my favorite local dog rescue.

9. What’s the best advice you’ve been given in your career?

Enjoy the work that we do. We spend a lot of our time at work, and it should be enjoyable! And if you can’t enjoy the work you do, at least work someplace you love. Accounting isn’t always the most glamorous or exciting profession, but I love where I work and who I work for so I enjoy it.  I don’t ever want to waste 40 hours a week of my life being miserable. I enjoy my work and where I work, so MicroAge for the win!

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7 Team Members Share Why They Love Working at MicroAge Mon, 14 Feb 2022 08:46:06 +0000 The post 7 Team Members Share Why They Love Working at MicroAge appeared first on MicroAge.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What’s working at MicroAge like and why have associates voted our organization an official Phoenix Business Journal Best Place to Work eight times? Team members throughout our business share what they love most about being part of our organization.

It’s all about the people.

“What I love about MicroAge is the people, it’s like having a second family. I love the work life balance and the ability to work remotely. I love how MicroAge is continuing to adapt to the industry and expanding our client offerings. I love that MicroAge has a strong focus on relationships and allowing sales associates to travel and meet clients face to face to build stronger relationships.”

-Schan, Account Executive

Culture is everything.

“What I love most about MicroAge is the great culture we have here. People treat others with respect and are always looking to help each other for the good of the company, the other associates, and themselves. We keep each other engaged with virtual get-togethers and daily Stay-Apart-Together lunch breaks with games and contests. As a company, we get involved in activities together for fun or fitness like Pat’s Run, Spartan Race, our awards dinner, cornhole tournament, Last Fan Standing, and March Madness. We also band together to help others and our own, including Paz de Cristo, St Vincent de Paul, CASS, Florce Crittenton, and ASA Now. And leadership has an open door and is willing to listen and make changes not only for the good of the organization but for the associates also. I have been at MicroAge for 9 years and couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else.”

-Ron, Sales Director

Stay Apart Together

Top-notch and tenured!

“What I like most is the quality of our people. In my years in the industry, I have never been around this type of talent from a company-wide perspective. No matter what department you interact with, there are top-notch tenured professionals all around you providing a great platform to educate yourself about the business as a whole, as well as support you in being your best. The leadership is truly invested in the well being of the company and a positive collaborative culture for all.”

-Wyatt, Director of Technical Solutions

Work-life balance for days.

“There is a true work-life balance here. MicroAge understands that life happens outside of work and sometimes during as well. No one can truly perform their best with the stress hanging on their shoulders, and MicroAge gives that flexibility to ensure that life runs as smoothly as possible.”

-Loretta, Senior Events Specialist

Leaders who care.


“What I like most about MicroAge are the people. The leadership genuinely cares about the associates, they show us through the many events they sponsor, activities they support, and recognition that they give on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis!! They recognize hard work and reward you for your efforts. Associates at MicroAge exemplify the word teamwork. Everyone has each other’s backs and are always there to offer a helping hand and a solution. I am proud to say that I am a MicroAge associate.”

-Alicia, Human Resources Manager

Alicia Bowen

We put people first.

“Whether it’s the relationships we have with our clients, our partners, or each other, at MicroAge we have a people-first culture built on joint achievements and collaboration. It’s been refreshing to work and lead at an employer where the executive team cares so much about our associates. No one is a number here.”

-Naomi, Marketing Director

Working together is more rewarding.

“The MicroAge culture is entrepreneurial, requiring self-motivation and personal responsibility, holding us accountable to a specific set of values that form the bedrock of the culture. In return we have an incredible work-life balance with a family-like office atmosphere and a highly rewarding pay structure.

“In a lot of ways its as though we are running our own small business with the structure MicroAge provides supporting our personal growth as we grow and evolve our business and ourselves.  After working for another large reseller before MicroAge, I am truly appreciative of the way that I am treated with respect and trusted with the responsibility for my business.”

-Michael, Account Executive

Work with us!

At MicroAge, we’re always looking for account executives who enjoy a fun, rewarding, and professional environment. We are growing quickly to meet client demand across services and solutions as a total technology solution provider. You can apply for any of our current career opportunities here.

Looking for something to celebrate this season?

How about a big career move? At MicroAge we’re constantly looking for account executives who enjoy a rewarding, fun and professional environment.

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Working at MicroAge Brochure Wed, 26 Jan 2022 21:39:46 +0000 The post Working at MicroAge Brochure appeared first on MicroAge.

Working at MicroAge

Where you are our smartest investment

At MicroAge, our experts set us apart in a crowded and fast-moving industry, and our national sales force is always growing. Learn how our award-winning culture puts people first with recognition, trust, and transparency.


The post Working at MicroAge Brochure appeared first on MicroAge.
