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It’s been almost two years since many of us have shared an in-real-life coffee break or mixed with colleagues in a breakroom or conference room in person. With a newfound appreciation for noise-canceling headphones and schools back in session, we’ve been connecting with each other in different ways. It’s been a tumultuous 20 months, but there’s still research-backed science that giving thanks actually makes you happier. Just ask the scientists at Harvard Medical who published a study showing that gratitude literally lifts spirits.

While the holiday season might look a little different than usual for some of us this year, there’s still so much that’s too easy to take for granted. With this Thanksgiving and the holidays right around the corner, we asked MicroAgers why they’re thankful this year. And the joy is at the least heart-warming, and at the most, contagious.


Living (and working) your best life.

“More often than not, my experience has been that employers have the expectation that you live to work as opposed to working to live. This year, I’m thankful for a work-life balance that enables me to spend time with family in North Carolina, visit the gorgeous country of Belize, and do simple things like see the dentist and take my dog to the vet. I’m thankful for upper management who not only support me but takes the time to get to know me as an individual, going so far as to call me just to catch up.”

Sarah Carver, Account Executive

MicroAge Event


Faith that endures.


“This year, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for my faith. Some recent circumstances caused me to reflect on who I was thirty years ago and who I am today. The difference is my faith. What I read, who I’m surrounded by, where I go, and what I do have made me who I am today, and I’m thankful for all of those people and experiences.”

Judy Nerone, Sales Coach Manager



Making things happen.


“I am thankful to work for a company that I consider family and gives us the ability for work-life balance. To work hard and play hard! We celebrate the wins and the people who truly make it happen behind the scenes at MicroAge. I’m proud to be part of that.”

Mike Tazbier, Account Executive


Working at MicroAge


Every shade of family.


“During the year it is easy to forget what you are grateful for and that is why Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year, to remind me of those things. I am grateful for my two amazing and beautiful daughters, being a former single dad of nine-year-old and one-year-old girls, watching them grow to be talented and successful adult women fills me with pride.

I am blessed to have a wonderful circle of best friends of over 25 years. Being part of their lives, weddings, birthdays, births of our kids, and sadly funerals. They aren’t just my friends, they are also family.

Finally, I am blessed to be part of the MicroAge family. An incredible, supportive organization that is not only interested in my success but respects my time for a great work-life balance.”

Paul O’Connor, Account Executive


Working at MicroAge


It’s all about the people.


“This Thanksgiving—like every Thanksgiving—I realize I have a lot to be thankful for. First, for my family—they know me best and love me anyway. I’m grateful for my tight group of friends—my chosen family—most of whom I have known for 30 years or more. They’ve talked me down from many a ledge.

I have a third family—my MicroAge family—and I am indebted to them for their support, collaboration, and kindness. I am grateful to have found an employer that has offered me countless opportunities over 21 years to grow and try things, make mistakes, learn from them, and then try something else—all while having fun and appreciating the value we each bring to the table. I am endlessly thankful for my three families.”

Andrea Hill, Brand & Communications Director


MicroAge Awards Dinner


Being valued is everything.


“I am thankful for the MicroAge culture and management. I’ve never felt more valued by an employer. Since day one at MicroAge, I have felt wanted and needed as an important part of the team.”

Robert Downs, Account Executive


MicroAge Leadership Team


Balance, health, and safety.


“I’m grateful for the wonderful opportunity I was given to start working at MicroAge this past year. As a new employee, it meant a lot to me that everyone welcomed me so warmly with a strong willingness to help. I’m grateful for my good health—I’ve been healthier this year than in years past. Finally, I’m appreciative of the work-life balance. I’m grateful I’ve been able to work safely from home during the Covid chaos.”

Kelsie Furr, Demand Generation Specialist


Stay Apart Together MicroAge Culture


All about the love.


“I’m thankful for my loved ones, our homes, and health, and all the great people I work with here at MicroAge.”

Jai Kruse, Account Executive


Jai Kruse MicroAge


Gratitude starts at home.


“I am thankful for the health of my children, for having a stable career and being able to work safely during the pandemic, and for being blessed with my family in general.”

Cassie Davis, Partner Marketing Specialist



Being happy where you are.


“There are quite a few things I am grateful for, the opportunity to move to Arizona and start a new job in a new state has been such a blessing. Being able to live close to my parents and see them on a regular basis, having the best dog on the planet (slight bias, I know), and moving into a new home with my lifelong partner Joey are just a few of the many things I am grateful for. I am thankful to be healthy, happy, and excited to see what 2022 has in store!”

Madison Murray, Events Specialist



Values and integrity.


“I am thankful for my family above all else. Our kids are becoming adults, it’s great to see them handle their growth with integrity; my wife plays such a huge role in their development. My MicroAge family is a great group of people. I am thankful for their work efforts and the way they practice our MicroAge values every day.”

Rick Trujillo, Director of Cloud Services & Connected Workforce


Rick Trujillo MicroAge


Relationships that matter.


“I’m thankful for all of the purpose I have in my life. Professionally, as a marketing department, we’ve worked with SMEs and sales to move mountains for our clients and partners and achieve unstoppable growth and momentum in some of the most challenging times. I have so much professional love for my team, their quirks, talents, the laughs and gifs traded over chats, and the virtual Taco Tuesdays. I’m eternally thankful for our executive team who take a people-first approach, and specifically for our Human Resources leader, Joelle Fosco who has helped all of us at MicroAge learn and grow and navigate some unprecedented working pressures. I am thankful for our dedicated account executives who are the front-of-the-line representatives working with clients and making all of our success real and possible.

I’m grateful for the ability to give back to my local community, mentoring at-risk teens every week to try to help them find a better path forward. Showing up for them both volunteering in-person, and writing letters has been incredibly rewarding. Giving back and showing up to support those who don’t have a solid support system is a surprisingly powerful way to build back your faith in humanity.

Most of all, I’m thankful for my husband and family, and my friends who are family, who have always been so supportive and receptive to my authenticity. It’s a special gift celebrating Thanksgiving with my better half who’s also my best friend, my parents, and my grandmother who is somehow an impossibly young, stylish, and peppy 91 years old.”

– Naom Sylvian, Director of Marketing



Finding purpose in empowerment.


“I am thankful for the ongoing support of MicroAge and how the organization continually inspires confidence in me that I’ll be successful. From our Learning & Development leader, Scott, to our sales leaders, Judy, Ron, and Tracey, to our CEO, Rob, they all continue to support me in actions and words as I continue to progress on my journey here at MicroAge. The entire MicroAge community makes me feel empowered every day, I appreciate this organization so much.”

Chris Johnson, Account Executive


Find something to celebrate this season.

If you’re looking for more gratitude, consider making a smart career move. At MicroAge we’re constantly hiring account executives who enjoy a rewarding, fun, and professional environment. Our team is growing quickly! Explore our current career opportunities here.

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